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July so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 2937

27th April 2011
Hiking - Walking: Aussois -le Coetet nr Bellecombe
Wind Direction:
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Weather: sunny then cloudy
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We woke to mega views up the lac Plan d’Aval and at 1948m it had been a chilly night but we have two quits and were fine !!! After walking around the top lac yesterday we decided to do the lower lac after breakfast.
So at 9 we left and had to climb over a locked gate and then use a cable to climb down to the lower barrage – it was great fun and is the way the maintenance man access the dam and we should,nt have been there !!! we then ignored the danger keep off sign and walked across the dam :)we great views of the very blue water with the sun creeping around the mountains.With the lac only being about half full there was a large beach at the far end by the lac Plan d’Amont overflow, we made it back to the van after two hours in time to drive down the mountain to the lovelly ski resort of Aussois for some bits at the shop and pick up some maps from a very nice lady in the tourist information office.
After consulting our new 3 euro we headed along the fantastic valley through Sardiers,Solheres and Termignon before turning up a very steep and windy mountain road to stop for lunch with a view at le Coetet (2059m) and this was to be the start of our second walk of the day the 50 min. !!!! hike to lac Blanc !!!!!
We left at 2:15 in sunshine just as a couple of French families started off :( but the path was steep and single track and we managed to get past them :) we then came to a French mother and son with a bird watching telescope trained on the opposite hill and they invited us over to see the herd of male Ibex :) with enormous horns !!!! this was just a fantastic site and in all our years coming to the mountains we had never ever seen one !!!! We continued up and as Mag was wild flower spotting she noticed a large Emperor Moth flying low, it then landed in the grass and started laying eggs !!!!
We made it to the small have frozen lac after passing two more marmots just as the weather started to worsen like most afternoons and we even had some snowy hail !!! We then walked round the lac and I got some nice pics of a little waterfall at the far end and then headed up the mountain trying to find the path to Bellecombe ,sadly we could’nt find it and as we were off the proper paths decided to head back the way we came.On the way we spotted yet more Ibex right on the edge of a steep gorge :) We made it back to the path after scaring a family of marmot’s back down there hole, after sitting with my camera trained on the hole for 15 mins one did pop his head out but refused to come out. We then came to where we had seen the first Ibex’s through the telescope but yhis time the 18 !!! animals were really close and we sat and watched them for ages and I got loads of pics !!!! It was gone 6 by now and we were very cold so we headed back to the van for a hot drink and carbonara :) We decide to stop here in this very remote spot for the night and just before bedtime discover our batteries are low !!! not enough driving and too much charging things !!!! I hope the van starts in the morning ?????
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